Gratis Bücher Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
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Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

Gratis Bücher Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
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Audible Hörbuch
Spieldauer: 6 Stunden und 27 Minuten
Format: Hörbuch-Download
Version: Ungekürzte Ausgabe
Verlag: Random House Audio Erscheinungsdatum: 11. März 2013
Sprache: Englisch, Englisch
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 2.783 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals (Siehe Top 100 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals)
Positiv:- sehr hilfreich beim Einstieg in den Beruf oder bei neuen Karriereschritten- interssante Themen, die ein neues Licht auf Frau+Beruf werfen- witzig geschrieben, immer mit einem AugenzwinkernNegativ:- Das Buch zieht sich irgendwann sehr in die Länge, da zwar thematisch geordnet, aber unstrukturiert Anekdoten aneinandergereit werden.- Man kauft Sheryl Sandberg nicht wirklich ab, dass sie neben einer 70h-Woche noch so ein Buch schreibt...Fazit: Es reicht auch zusammenfassend ihren Speech bei anzuschauen! ;-)
It's an absolutely interesting book for women trying to grow their career and generally "Lean In" in every area of life. The author used very practical and relatable experiences and also backed up her points with data and statistics which made it even more authentic. The blend of personal career experiences and that of family friends and colleagues made it resonate in a deep way to me. After reading I had to deeply reflect about my career choices and offcourse make a number of mental shifts so I can make better choices in the future should the opportunities present themselves. Highly recommended! I hope to meet the author sometime in the future!
As a young "promising" woman in technology, i came accross this book, when I needed it the most. Feeling judged and misunderstood and besieged by opinions of others, this book gave me confidence that I'm on the right way. That I'm not alone. And that the fight worth it, for me and for the next genetations.
An incredible book that truly captivated my ideas, struggles, and experiences working in the Army and male dominated careers my whole life. Sheryl offers incredible advice and insight to issues females face everyday in the work place and ways to handle it with class and ease. All women should read this book and I would hope that men would too in order to gain some insight into what their counterparts go through. Loved this book!!!
I did not expect to like this book. I have read so many books on the theme of Women on Boards, mentoring, women leadership shortages et al. and of course the author is a well known, high profile figure. I had not expected to feel so passionate about Lean In. It reads very well, from the beginning it feels authentic and realistic. By the end of the day ( I could not stop reading) the recurring inner voice was, I know just how that feels, yes I felt that way too. Honest, open and lively this gem inspires one to set up a circle right then and there. I do not live in an American culture so was gladdened that the insights translate to other cultures, age groups and situations. Well done Ms Sandberg! a bold next step and an excellent time to ask us all to Lean In.
Sheryl Sandbergs Buch sollte jede Frau (und jeder Mann) gelesen haben.Es ist ein Schlag ins Gesicht und ein Weckruf. Viele der Dinge, die Sandberg beschreibt, hat mit Sicherheit jede Frau schon einmal gemacht - bewusst oder unbewusst.Sie gibt viele tolle Tipps, die ich mir auf jeden Fall zu Herzen nehmen werde.Auf jeden Fall ein Must-Read!
Der Inhalt des Buchs mag gut und inspirierend sein (ich habe es als eBook). Allerdings kauffte ich es nochmal als Geschenk und konnte es nicht verwenden, da die Seiten unsauber abgeschnitten wurden und das Buch sehr billig aussah. Wirklich schade und einfach Geldverschwendung.
Sheryl Sandberg condenses the ideas and struggles that working-- or professional--women face today. Although it is geared very much to the corporate and government worlds, the book remains relevant for women who are working outside those worlds and are perhaps not even interested in top leadership positions. Any young woman entering the working world should read this to understand some of the forces working to our disadvantage---some external and some internal-- that it takes years to recognize. As someone approximately Sandberg's age, I found it interesting to reflect on my own working life. She quotes many studies and is meticulous in documenting her sources of information and understanding their context. She also goes to great length to emphasize that every woman's decisions are her own to make and there is no "one correct way" to go about having a successful career.
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