Gratis Ebook herunterladen Kim, G: Phoenix Project, by Gene Kim
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Kim, G: Phoenix Project, by Gene Kim

Gratis Ebook herunterladen Kim, G: Phoenix Project, by Gene Kim
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Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Gene Kim is a multi-award winning CTO, researcher, and author. He is the founder of Tripwire and served as CTO for thirteen years. His books include The Phoenix Project, The DevOps Handbook, The Visible Ops Handbook, and Visible Ops Security.Kevin Behr is the founder of the Information Technology Process Institute (ITPI) and the general manager and chief science officer of Praxis Flow LLC. Kevin has 25 years of IT management experience and is a mentor and advisor to CEOs and CIOs. He is the co-author of The Phoenix Project and The Visible Ops Handbook.George Spafford is a research director for Gartner, covering DevOps, technical change, and release management, in addition to the use of bimodal IT and the pace-layered application strategy. His publications include hundreds of articles and numerous books on IT service improvement, as well as co-authorship of The Phoenix Project, The Visible Ops Handbook, and Visible Ops Security.
Taschenbuch: 400 Seiten
Verlag: IT Revolution Press; Auflage: 5th Anniversary ed (7. April 2018)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1942788290
ISBN-13: 978-1942788294
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
15,4 x 3 x 22,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.6 von 5 Sternen
74 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 111 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
An extraordinary book! In essence, it is a management book. But it is written like a fascinating novel. If you have worked in IT for some time, be it as a manager or as a non-manager, you will find yourself right at home. The authors manage to tell a fascinating story of a company where Murphy is omnipresent in the IT department and how the crew gradually takes care of things and dramatically improves the situation. But it is not only a story for pleasure. It also very cleverly tells what is needed to convert to and run a successful IT organization based on the DevOps principle. The story takes up 90% of the book. The remaining 10% sum up the core information in concise format and give detailed information about some further reading.I've never before read a management or technical book which was so interesting to read. And it still gives you all the relevant information. Just brilliant.
"The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win" was quite a hard one to pick up for me personally. I'm more than aware this sounds strange, even arrogant, but if a book has received 1900 reviews in alone, ranked really with 4.7 stars and also praised everywhere it just has to be something not for me. Has been pretty much the case every time so far. Only exceptions being of course some great ones like "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" which I really love as do many other folks as well. Now thinking the book has been said to contain some solid, informational and even educational content, the equation just seems to be impossible. But, eventually I ended up giving it a shot. As hard it could sometimes be to admit "what a jerk I have been!" it's time for the confession. Again.The book really delivers what it has been said to deliver. And then some more. The content is just as solid as one could expect from a textbook. But, and this is a huge one, in a readable, no, in an entertaining format. The writers are really able to grab your attention not letting you go until the book ends and you are left with a feeling "I want more!". The experience, perspective and vision of the writers really shows through the book.Personally I have been around long enough to really recognise the old, or traditional, IT world so well painted in the book. Also, not for the first time, there is a strong need and movement going on to renew and rework some fundamental things in IT. Cloud computing being of course the needed refresh and enabler for the business and for the industry which again raises the need for new methods, more agile moves in dev, in ops, in management, in security. Everything. And perhaps most importantly, it'll allow us to fail quickly and start over. With much less to lose than before. Oh, may or may not be important but think the Dev part of DevOps just with a little bit wider perspective. Although you might not be involved in "true programming", these days the Dev part is there, whether we consider it that way or not. And more likely than not there are some lines of code required here and/or there to stitch the things together into something functional. Even if you are able to avoid even that there is still lots to learn in the DevOps methods and mentality.The more I think the content the writers are able to deliver, the more I seem to notice or distill out of it. Manager vs. Leader. Constraints, what might be holding us back? Most likely not the money even though money is of course important aspect... Importance of mentoring and to be mentored. Openness to new ideas, methods, solutions and willingness to try new solutions. Agility.But, better stop praising the authors and the book so that I don't scare You too much... Go, Buy & Read this one! Do think about the story, the message.
The novel covers the issues that exist in companies between IT and business departments and lead to tensions that often remain unconscious but run according to certain patterns. These patterns are illustrated by showing the actors in their entirety and role in the company, how they experience the problems, and how they overcome the hurdles and bring the company back on track. The existing organization is organized according to functions, ending in silo thinking, slowing down the process, and leads to the impossibility of process-oriented work. The role of security and compliance is gaining in importance. The consideration of the security requirements leads the company to the limits of the feasibility of generating profit and keeping pace with the competition. The tradeoff between reconciling business requirements with security and compliance requirements is difficult and requires creative thinking and innovative approaches.The challenge is to organize the work optimally. The task areas are classified into business projects, internal IT projects, IT changes and unplanned tasks.The art of IT management is to find the optimal distribution for the highest economic benefit or business value. Lean processes, innovation and avoidance of any type of waste - that is, useless work - are the ways to succeed. The prioritization is necessary. The most important projects have to be executed first. But this also needs the recognition of the bottleneck in the process. The limits or constraints are mostly due to the scarce availability of people with the necessary know-how and experience (skills and human resource).The main character is also portrayed in her private life. The long working hours threaten to destroy the balance between work and private life. The balancing act succeeds the protagonist "Bill" and opens up a positive development of him.The book came out in 2014. The development continues. Today, agile approaches are needed to keep up with the rapid evolution of the market. How the agility is implemented is already partially demonstrated in this novel, e.g. through Kanban. The processes that cannot be set up agile must be taken into account, since only the overall result brings the economic benefit. In the novel, this is shown in the server building process. This is a prerequisite for the development and testing of the software, which gains momentum in the frequent releases and therefore is hindered by the slow infrastructure processes. A cloud solution is seen as a solution in the novel. This solves the problem of scalability and agility in the infrastructure sector. There is also a substantive involvement with outsourcing. This is not the solution as long as core competencies are lost as the company's knowledge, the company's most valuable asset.All in all, an exciting story about IT management in digitization.
Sehr gute, unterhaltende und lehrreiche Darstellung der Abläufe in der IT, vor allem im Deployment. Die geschilderten Probleme sind in vielen Firmen zu finden. Die gezeigten Lösungswege sind in großen Teilen umsetzbar, wenn man es will.Ich habe das Buch insgesamt zwei mal gelesen und fand es immer wieder erfrischend :-)
This book really is amazing. I have read hundreds of books related to IT, management, IT security, SW development & architecture, project management, etc. The way the message and information was put together into a fictional novel made this not only enjoyable to read, but extremely informative!I felt the pain of the characters and enjoyed reading about the principles and practices which they implemented to deliver value and at the same time make their own lives easier.Great book!!
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