Gratis Ebook herunterladen , by Savannah Rose
, By Savannah Rose . Eine Aufgabe kann verpflichtet Sie ständig das Know - how und die Erfahrung zu verbessern. Wenn Sie keine genügend Zeit haben , es direkt zu steigern, könnten Sie die Erfahrung sowie Know - how aus der Lektüre Führung erhalten. Wie jeder weiß, ist Publikation , By Savannah Rose populär wie das Fenster mit der ganzen Welt zu öffnen. Es impliziert , dass Buch Check - out , By Savannah Rose gibt Ihnen einen neuen Weg , jede Kleinigkeit zu finden, die Sie benötigen. Als Leitfaden, werden wir sicherlich unter bieten , By Savannah Rose
, by Savannah Rose

Gratis Ebook herunterladen , by Savannah Rose
Neu aktualisiert! Die aktuellste Veröffentlichung von einem wirklich populären Schriftsteller erscheint schließlich. Reserve, wie ein erstaunlicher Bezug zu dem, was Sie brauchen. Genau das, was ist für dieses Buch? Glaubst du immer noch darum Führer ist? Nun, das ist genau das, was Sie wahrscheinlich bekommen. Sie sollten für Ihre weit besseres Leben die richtige Auswahl getroffen haben. Buch, als eine Quelle, die die Wahrheiten mit sich bringen könnte, Meinung, literarische Werke, religiöse Überzeugungen, sowie viele andere sind die großen Freunde mit zu verbinden.
Lesen kommt auf einen Teil des Lebens zu sein, die von jedem getan werden sollen. Überprüfung der sollte sich von früheren geglaubt werden Routine und auch Hobby. Auch gibt es viele Personen mit alternativen Freizeitaktivitäten; es bedeutet nicht, dass Sie nicht bei der Lektüre als andere Aufgabe begeistern können. Checking out , By Savannah Rose ist nur eine der Methoden für Sie Ihre hohe Qualität des Lebens zu verbessern. Es ist ein solches Denken in den vielen Ressourcen.
Die Veröffentlichung ist unter den Mitteln immer öffnen Sie die brandneue Welt. Und der , By Savannah Rose ist eine Art der Bücher, die Sie prüfen genießen können. Lesen dieser bieten nicht gerade große Anpassungen für Sie schlauer zu sein. Durch die Maßnahmen wird diese Publikation ändern sicherlich Ihren Geist und wirkt viel besser zu sein. Sie könnten angeben, welche man Dinge, die auch nicht sorgfältig sein müssen handeln. Wenn die Probleme zu erhalten weise zu lösen, hat sich diese Veröffentlichung das Prinzip des neuen Lebens betroffen.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 5059 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 265 Seiten
Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten: Keine Einschränkung
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#10.960 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
She met them at summer camp & they got close. She moved to their town & they bullied, teased &harassed her. What had happened, what had changed since the summer, why was she suddenly their number 1 enemy. They didn't tell her about their family, they wanted to protect her, but turned her love to hate. Great storyline, awesome characters, totally worth reading
I really enjoyed it, the only negative thing in my opinion is that she hardly spent anytime with Gage.
Summer camp the summer before her senior year is not what Elly expected. As one of the oldest campers, she thought she would spend time reading in the sun, floating on the lake, bored and out of place. Instead, she lost her heart and her virginity. She spent the summer having deep talks, drinking and laughing with the Hotshots. Kellan, Rhett, and Gage gave her the best summer of her life. But as soon as it ended her life changed. An unexpected family development forced a relocation placing Elly at the same school as the Hotshots. Hoping to resume their friendship, Ellie didn't get the reaction she expected from the guys. She found herself the target of their ridicule and abuse. The boys she met at camp are replaced by the rulers of Trinity High and they are intent on destroying her. They want her gone. Why?Holy Trinity is a combination of multiple genres; RH, Mafia, and bully-light. I love all of these genres, have read extensively in each genre, and am very critical. I came up with mixed results here. The premise is promising. The characters are well thought out. The story arc was nicely planned. The execution was uneven. The writing wasn't as seamless as I would have liked. There were points of repetition and missing words and I think that Gage must have been called Tommy at some point because there were slip-ups when that name would be used. I also had an issue with characters making their lives harder than they had to be to move the story forward. I don't want to give spoilers but if you know who someone is, if you expect them to behave a certain way, don't be taken off guard when they prove you correct. Protect yourself. If you have a plan, follow through. Don't be a victim. I would have been happier if certain circumstances didn't seem contrived and characters acted intelligently.The book alternated between present-day and camp flashbacks. The POV was mostly Elly's but there were chapters featuring the guys. I would have liked even more from the guys. The sexual chemistry between Elly and the guys was smoking but the emotional connection lacked a genuineness at times. I never felt that Gage was capable of more than sex. I loved Rhett until... I thought Kellan was the most committed but his actions on the first day of school before he realized Elly was there showed his shallowness. I wish I could have felt the guys were truly loving and loyal and not just horny. There was also never a period of redemption; something fundamentally important to me in a bully romance. The book took an upturn turn towards the end. When the story moved out of the school halls and into the mafia world, it became clever, suspenseful, and kept me on the edge of my seat. To me, this was its strength. My only other comment is that I would have loved to go back to school at the end. I had unanswered questions about Prestley's place, the fallout from the betrayal, and how the guys were going to repair the damage they caused to Elly.
This is the first book by Savannah Rose and Amelia Gates that I have read. I was excited to read this since the blurb, I thought the story line sounded promising. Having said that there were some good elements to the story and than some other's that I could not get over. The story is a RH, Mafia, bully romance. ***Spoilers in this Review***The opening of the story is at school which is fine and then we meet the boys immediately and they are jerks to her. After getting into the story this doesn't make much sense to me. They state further in that they care for her but this is in her best interest to save her. Okay if this is true it would have made more sense for them to just ignore her completely and pretend she doesn't exist. They state that they don't want their uncle to know they are in love with her, so that he can't use her against them. Again is makes more sense to ignore her so that she fly's under the radar. Especially since further into the story Kyle states that the boy's don't usually bully. So they ultimately did the exact opposite of what they were trying to do. They put a bulls-eye on her and essentially bullied her for no reason, this frustrated me to no end.Also, I didn't really feel the connection between the character's. I wish there was more backstory or lead up to the relationships between all of them. Yes we do get flashbacks to Summer Camp but it just wasn't enough. And through most of camp it was Elly and Kellen. I just didn't feel like they really cared for her on a deeper level. While at school all we get is them being jerks and stating it's for her own good. I really couldn't feel what she was being so stubborn to hold onto. I needed more of the connection for it to makes sense as to why she would forgive the crap they put her through. A positive note was the sex scenes were most definitely steamy.Finally there were some inconsistency's in the story that I couldn't overlook. Yes this was an ARC so the misspellings were fine and overlooked. However, there were actually name changes that were confusing and at the end of the story Elly states that Rhett tastes like tobacco and sweet liquor which would be fine except Gage was the one who smoked so that was confusing as well.The story was good even giving the things I stated above. I just wish there was more so I could really feel the connections and gain a better understanding of their dynamic. Not only that but the scenes towards the end felt very rushed. The mafia aspect was good and flowed nicely. RH could have been upped a notch in my opinion Gage got hardly any play.
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