Ebook Rise of the Tomb Raider: The Official Art Book, by Andy McVittie
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Rise of the Tomb Raider: The Official Art Book, by Andy McVittie

Ebook Rise of the Tomb Raider: The Official Art Book, by Andy McVittie
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“100% — Phenomenal!” - Gaming Trend“Go pick it up now if you’re a fan of the Tomb Raider franchise.” - Entertainment Buddha“a great addition to any fan’s collection” Fanbolt
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Andy McVittie has worked in the video games industry for more than twenty years, writing and editing for magazines such as Nintendo Official Magazine and PlayStation Plus.
Gebundene Ausgabe: 192 Seiten
Verlag: Titan Books; Auflage: 01 (27. November 2015)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1783299967
ISBN-13: 978-1783299966
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
23,6 x 2,3 x 31 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.3 von 5 Sternen
3 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 15.645 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Es handelt sich hier um ein "Art-Book". Das Buch beinhaltet Grafiken, welche die Atmosphäre einer Spielszene einfangen, viel besser als es der Computermonitor kann. Fast wie in einem Lexikon sind z.B. alle Tiere mit Bild aufgelistet oder alle antiken Gerätschaften einer Grabkammer. Den größten Umfang nehmen jedoch die Personen und die Landschaften ein. Alle Bilder werden von einem begleitenden Text in den richtigen Kontext gestellt. Leider verbreiten alle Bilder eine etwas düstere Stimmung in tiefen Blautönen, ich habe keine etwas freundlich wirkende Szene gefunden. Und für meinen Geschmack sind zu wenig Bilder von Lara selbst drin. Der Druck erfolge durchweg auf Hochglanzpapier, so daß die Grafiken in einer hervorragenden Qualität herüberkommen.
Detailliertes Lösungsbuch und schöne Seiten mit vielen Bildern. Lösungsweg ist gut beschrieben. Schade, dass es nur auf Englisch erhältlich ist!
...leider sind zwei Seiten kaputt, eingerissen bzw sogar ein großes Loch. Der Einband ist auch beschädigt.Schade, sonst wäre es ein wunderschönes Artbook.
Rise of the Tomb Raider: The Official Art Book is a wonderful companion to the game. Just like the previous artbook, it's filled with plenty of beautiful concept art of characters, environments and props, complete with commentary that talks about the design process. There are major spoilers in the book so do not go through the book before finishing the game.The artworks are very detailed and printed huge. They mostly digitally painted, like any other game artbooks, but is able to retain the painterly look for many of the scenes paintings. There aren't much game screenshots.As the art director Brenoch Adams said, he wants to put the 'Tomb' back in Tomb Raider. If that's so, it's a job well done in terms of the look and feel.I like Lara Croft's updated look and the several outfit changes throughout the game. Other character designs are alright, but nothing too out of the world, after all it's still based on the so called real world. The more interesting designs are the Deathless Ones.I can't help but compare it to the Uncharted series. The content definitely feels like there are some similarities to Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, one of my favourite games all time. There are the ice mountains and mysterious caverns. However, the art direction for Tomb Raider is visually darker. The colours are muted and there's use of a lot of darks and shadows. The good thing is not all details are lost into the shadows. Overall, it's just a different feel to Uncharted although you know that both are adventure exploratory games in the same genre.The first artbook for the reboot Tomb Raider series, Tomb Raider: The Art of Survival, brings a welcome update to the art direction. That is a great book and at the time I'm writing this, that book is already out of print and selling at higher than normal prices. So yes, the game is popular and the artbook as well. If you want to get this book, get it early.Recommended to fans of the game, artbook and concept art lovers.By the way, if you like this book, be sure to check out The Art of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.(See more pictures of the book on my blog. Just visit my Amazon profile for the link.)
Honestly, as pretty as the game is, I mostly hate all of the concept art here. The art director, Brenoch Adams, seems to have pushed everyone to use this really sloppy copy and paste photo method that he uses. These iffy photos and textures are then warped in Photoshop to get them to fit whatever ideas they have. So you end up with characters, weapons, and environments with copy and pasted photo messes of terrible jpeg compression and completely incohesive looking art. The photos mixed with the character turnarounds are doubly unsettling. There some digital painting sloppily over these photos but it all just looks like a hack job. Might as well have just had photo reference and never published an art book. The first Tomb Raider art book was much better.Brian Horton is a great painter and the only art even worth looking at here. It appears he's no longer at Crystal Dynamics though.I feel like there are talented artists here at Crystal Dynamics but they are overworked so they resort to badly warping photos they found. Whatever happened to sketches and thumbnails? It's all so lifeless here.
I would like to start by saying that I love the Tomb Raider games and that this art book was everything a fan of the series could hope for. It is 192 pages and loaded with content. Along with the pictures there is a description describing what the pictures on that page are and something about it. I cant say I really have any complaint with this art book and that Titan Books has done it again by making another amazing art book. The contents are:Foreword- This section is 4 pages and basically is just the Directors talking about the new game and what they hoped to achieve with it.Intro- This section is 2 pages and just briefly covers the story of the new game.Characters- This section is 56 pages and is where the book really starts to get good. It covers characters from Lara, Jonah, Jacob, and plenty of other friends and villains you will meet in the new game. There's also everything from soldiers with guns down to knights with swords and shields. Also there are the wildlife creatures such as the bears, deer, and more. The detail in each of the drawings was amazing and although almost every single picture was a frontal shot they were still all good. For each character you get to see them wearing different outfits and such. Each character has description telling you something about them. My favorites form this section had to be the deathless ones and the flame soldier both of which I have included pictures of.Weapons and Props- This section is 14 pages and shows you the different gear that Lara will have as well as some guns. At the end of this section are some murals which seem like something you would see in old churches. Its cool to see old drawings like the murals compared to what we have now days. As for the weapons and such it shows some different arrows Lara uses each with different tips and feathers on them and some even have fire tips. It also has a few different bows she uses. As for the weapons there aren't to many and it basically shows the same version of a gun but with different mods on them. I counted them all up and there are ten guns in all and each has different mods Lara can put on them. An example is the Ak-47 which shows the regular version and then one that Lara modded by duct taping an extra clip onto another clip for faster reloads as well as wrapping up the grips to avoid slippage. I wasn't to impressed with this section but I wasn't really expecting much weapon wise other than the bow mostly.Locations- 110 pages. This section is where the book shines. It shows so many different locations and Lara going on her adventures. The detail is outstanding and there is so much to look at. With each new scene there is a description about it. There are scenes of everything from Lara rappelling down into a tomb, her sneaking around tombs, trying to get past treacherous waters, climbing mountains, avoiding avalanches, standing in front of a massive bear, exploring abandoned buildings, her swimming underwater, getting chased by a helicopter, and the list just goes on and on. I really enjoyed this section and this was a perfect representation on what Tomb Raider is all about.Acknowledgements- 1 page. This section shows all the names of the men and women who spent their time making the wonderful art for this book and the game. I would also like to mention that every picture in the book says who made it. This is a nice way to see what the different artists role was and to appreciate each one for their works.Overall this art book was everything I had hoped for and more. The detail was amazing and all the pictures was everything you would expect to see in Tomb Raider. I never mentioned this yet but the book is a nice hardcover and made very well. The dust jacket looks gorgeous and the actual covers of the book are just plain black with a tiny silver picture of Lara on the cover. The black front and back isn't the greatest but the dust jacket more than makes up for it, and since that covers up the black covers its no big deal. Overall a 10/10 from me and a must get if you like Tomb Raider or just appreciate good art.
This is a nice artbook generally speaking, but I was actually a little disappointed with most of the art pieces in the book. Most of the art is environments presented in muted color palettes, and strangely enough all the environments kind of look the same. What I mean is the concept art in this book doesn't really look much like how many of the environments in the game ended up looking. While glancing through the book, I had a difficult time discerning which part of the game each art piece represented, a problem I did not have with the artbook for the 2013 reboot. It's still a nice collectible for the Tomb Raider fan. I just wasn't as happy with it as I was with the artbook for the last game.
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